Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Beat the Funk

I had a slight case of the Monday's this week. All of my fellow Office Space aficionados understand that is when you feel slightly blah on a Monday. The rain may have been to blame or it maybe it was because my family had a big weekend of soccer games, cookouts, fall festivals, etc and I was tired. It didn't hit me until the late afternoon. There was not a big scene. I didn't get short with anyone. There just was about a 20 minutes span where I was quiet and not my usual outgoing self. I wasn't smiling. I didn't ask people how they were doing. I didn't have a pep in my step. The worst part was, I know people noticed. One of my most trusted co-workers asked me if I was okay. She asked me twice. If she noticed, it is likely that students and other teachers noticed, too. The people I strive to be a champion for cannot see me caught in a moment like that! As I reflect back I cannot pinpoint any particular trigger. For a brief period the hustle and bustle of the job got in the way of the educator that I aim to be. I have just recently began blogging for the purpose of reflection and growth. I have been blogging about things that I am passionate or excited about. Then the COTM happened! I think it is only fitting that I try to learn, grow, and reflect about this experience as well.

My wake-up call was when my friend checked on me for the second time. She might as well said "Earth to TJ, Earth to TJ!" "You are being ridiculous!" I realized that the bad feelings that I was experiencing on the inside were visible and obvious to everyone around me who had a pulse. Luckily, at this moment I began turning it around. I am very thankful of this dependable and supportive friend. I thought of something I heard one of my #eduhero's say on a recent podcast. Todd Nesloney (co-author of Kids Deserve It!) told a story where he was having a bad morning and he found strength in simply repeatedly telling people that he was "fantastic." If you say it enough times you can eventually convince yourself that everything is okay and that your issues will be resolved. As you make a concentrated effort to talk in a positive manner, you can put the pep back into your step. If we want our schools to be positive and productive we must model this as much as possible!

It is easy to look back at our accomplishments and successes with pride. You should do that. We must enjoy our successes whenever we can. Thinking back to moments like Monday can also be valuable. It was a mistake. It was unnecessary. I can do better. I have very high expectations for myself. I strive to improve each and everyday.  My goal is to learn about it so that it is less likely to happen again. 

My message to fellow educators is to always remember that it is our responsibility to be there for our students. We need to be the consistent, positive influence role models our kids need everyday. Take care of yourself when you can. Find and focus on the positive going on in your schools everyday. Support your peers. Hold each other accountable and challenge one another to always be your best. 


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