Sunday, March 26, 2017

No Comparison

Each year a local news source publishes the salaries of all local government employees in our area. This release includes law enforcement, educators, town officials, etc. Since the funding source of the salaries are tax dollars, it is public information. This annual report serves as quite the conversation piece. Since the school district is the largest employer in the area, the majority of the folks on the list work for the public schools. I must admit that each year my curiosity eventually wins out and I find myself scrolling through the list. I find my name. The list of salaries is ordered from greatest to least, I begin looking at those names found above me on the list. My mistake has been that I compare myself to those who make more money than me. This practice has yet to reap me any positive benefits.
Comparing or critiquing others adds absolutely no value to myself. The amount of ones salary does not necessarily reflect ones value or level of success. I came into the education field to be the best educator I can be, not the best compensated. I am an educator to help kids, not my personal gain. My target is not to make more money than the folks above me on the “list”, my goal is to help the folks around me be their best. The only person you should compare yourself to is, you yesterday. Get better every single day.

Instead of making comparisons,  I choose to compete with myself. I’m going to continue to learn something new each day. I’m going to keep evolving. Personal growth will be my focus, not how I feel I stack up compared to others. I’ll read, reflect, and reach out to those around me. I’ll look in the mirror and constantly try to improve who I see.

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