Sunday, February 5, 2017

Everyone's Favorite Teacher Podcast

Around New Year's Resolution time, George Couros challenged fellow educators to share in video, a goal for 2017. Here is mine. My goal was to host my own podcast to showcase champion teachers who put their heart and soul into the profession. I am happy to say that this goal has been realized! In the past two weeks, I have recorded the first two episodes of Everyone's Favorite Teacher Podcast (available on iTunes). This could not have been achieved without the support of my wife, Meagan. Follow her on twitter @MeaganhParrish and check out her blog. She is a phenomenal teacher who integrates technology consistently into her 4th grade language arts classroom. She takes risks and pushes her students every day. She will be presenting at the NCTIES Conference this year. Meagan and Danielle Simerman (@dksimerman) will be leading a session on using Google Apps for Education (GAFE) as a platform for digital portfolios. Meagan serves as executive producer and lead consultant for the podcast. She handles everything on the technical end and without her the podcast would not happen. Recording the podcast has been very exciting and I look forward to refining the process and improving upon the finished product.

I am also extremely thankful for the two teachers who agreed to be my first two guests of the show. Jenny Hudson and Derrick Pate. Jenny (@petiteflower975) and Derrick (@FourOaksPate) were both brave enough to take a chance on my passion project. I believe in these first two episodes I was able to capture their love for students and teaching. I couldn't have found two better educators to have as guests! Thanks Jenny and Derrick! Here is a link to Derrick demonstrating his rap skills.

My goal now will to be to continue to push myself. I need to learn more about the profession I love. I need to continue to evolve as a learner and a leader. I want to connect with more awesome educators and share their stories. If you would like to talk with me or if you know a champion teacher who would be a perfect guest on the podcast please send me an email to Lets grow and learn together! BTW, my next guest is going to be awesome!

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