Saturday, February 25, 2017

It is the Process

I was thinking of one of my favorite quotes on the way from home from school this week.

"Its not about the product, its about the process."
-Inky Johnson

Inky has several inspiring videos that can be found on YouTube. I'll give them a listen every once in a while, especially when I need some motivation. I have even shared the video with a 5th grade student of mine. The young man is definitely a work in progress but when we cross paths at school, I will say to him, "Its not about the product...." and he will respond with "its about the process." I am proud of teaching him this quote and hope the wisdom sticks and helps him in the future.

This week on the way home I was reflecting about past and present goals. I was thinking how in the past I have lost focus on the process and focused instead on the product. The product being a promotion. I was focusing too much on being named principal of a school because "I was ready". I felt that I already deserved to be the principal of a school. My thinking was all wrong, I was focusing on the product and not the process. I still dream of being a principal one day. It will happen, eventually. My job now is to be the best AP that I can be and continue to learn and grow to prepare for the future and whatever it brings. I should only focus on getting better.

Luckily, I had my epiphany within the last year and came to the correct conclusion that it is about the process and becoming better for kids. We must focus on our daily performance, growing ourselves, and continuing to learn. Regardless of what happens, I will focus on my growth. I will focus on getting better. I will continue to own my professional development. I will reflect. I will challenge myself. I will pursue excellence. My ultimate destination in life is not the most important thing, what I learn on my journey is. I will not be satisfied with the husband, parent, or educator that I am today. I will continue to evolve because it is all about the process!

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